Other Cool Stuff

Thursday, April 7, 2011

From here on out ...

... I will attempt to post something err'day. This is going hand-in-hand with other promises I've been making myself, like "I will not eat as much chocolate tomorrow" and "Stop looking for 'Vampire Diaries' spoilers on Twitter" and "Touch up those chipped, jankity nails, geez."


5 Pop-Culture-Related-Things-That-I'm-Thinking-About-Instead-of-Studying-for-Italian.

1. WHY is "American Idol" still on the air? Seriously? The last successful Idol was freaking Carrie Underwood or something. I don't understand why so many people want to go try out for a show that doesn't guarantee anything but a cringe-worthy, cheese-fest of a "first" single and/or maybe, maybe - for the lucky ones only -  a guest-spot on tween Nickelodeon shows. Mmmm, whatevs. Somewhere Simon Cowell is chortling to himself in that mean-spirited Brit way. And probably still wearing tight, black v-neck tees.

2.  It is so, so, so unfortunate that NPH is gay.

3. I watched the pilot episode of "Breaking In," this semi-funny pretty-okay might-be-good-sometime show that just came on FOX about a ragtag group of people who are hired to break security systems or something AKA the 2483469863th show Christian Slater has tried to headline. And, I mean, there are worse things out there than seeing ex-Lex Luthor play a toolbag bf to Beth from "Cloverfield" and wonder why the writers thought it was okay for a character to seriously utter the line, "My mouth is about to have sex with this candy bar." Case in point:
4. J-Woww, Snooki and Pauly D are getting their own spin-off shows. In other news, the world is ending.

5. On the other hand, Glenn Beck is ending his show on FOX(and hopefully going to live in some isolated cave somewhere far, far away for the rest of his life). So maybe the world will be okay after all.

Hmkay, semi-pointless blog rant done. Now back to studying. Or FB creeping. Ya know.


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